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任何数字内容(视频), audio, 在你的网站上显示或在课程中使用的文件也应该是可访问的. 例如, 嵌入到你的网站上的YouTube视频——即使你不拥有这些内容——也需要让你的网站可以访问. pdf、Word文档和PowerPoint演示文稿在发布之前必须可以访问. 参观 服务快捷方式 page on the ITS 可访问性 website to initiate an accessibility service request.

是的, videos should be captioned, and a text transcript should also be available. 有些视频可能需要音频描述,如果视频中传达的信息没有叙述. ITS可访问性可以安排视频字幕、文本文本和音频描述. Complete the Video Captioning Request form in ServiceNow 请求这些服务.


ITS无障碍的目标是将校园转向主动的数字无障碍立场. When you proactively apply digital 可访问性 to all digital content, 它对所有学生都有帮助, even if they are not registered with OSD.

  • Disabilities manifest themselves in various degrees. They are not always visible or apparent, and a student will not necessarily identify themselves as having a disability.
  • 无障碍技术倡议的一个最终结果是,从一开始,所有的材料都将被尽可能多的人使用. As instructors want to reach as many people as possible in their instruction, this principle ensures that nobody falls through the cracks.

  • Paper based print materials (books, 读者的数据包, 储备读数, 实验室手册, 施舍, 书面考试)
  • Electronic print materials (web-based and LMS-based content; electronic reserves, 图书捆绑电子文本, 计算机化考试)
  • Multimedia materials (web-based video/audio, 商业dvd, 与书籍捆绑的材料, photographic slides or lab samples)

  • 可感知的:用户可以通过修改材料的表示方式来访问材料中包含的信息
  • 可操作的: Users are able to interact with and manipulate the content
  • 可以理解的: Users are able to receive the content in a comprehensive manner.
  • 健壮的:用户可以将内容转换为与辅助技术更兼容的格式


  • Sensory Impairments (blindness and low vision)
  • Neurological Impairments (learning disabilities, ADHD, Traumatic Brain injury)
  • Physical/Mobility impairments (quadriplegia, cerebral palsy)

这取决于. Blackboard and Canvas are generally accessible; however, 添加到学习管理系统中的文件和其他数字资产必须是可访问的. 例如, if streaming videos are added to the online environment, 他们需要为有听力障碍的学生提供同步的字幕. 此外,文档需要能够被屏幕阅读器和其他辅助技术访问. Many Word and PDF documents are not automatically accessible.

学生 are not required to self-identify their disability. That is each student’s prerogative. 那些在残疾项目和资源中心(DPRC)注册的人被鼓励与导师讨论他们的需求. 但要记住的一件事是,残疾学生可能会感到羞耻, may be in denial or may be even unaware that they have a disability. 所有有资格通过DPRC获得服务的学生都有严格的文件要求.

  • The goal is to provide instructional materials, including online course materials, 对于残疾学生,同时它也适用于任何其他入学学生. 为了达到这个目标,需要留出足够的时间来获取或创建替代格式. 如果出版商不回应或不合作提供教科书的电子版本(电子文本),旨在为那些需要替代标准印刷版的人提供另一种格式, 那么残疾人项目和资源中心(DPRC)的任务就是创建电子文本.
  • This re-creation involves a timely conversion process: scanning, 将图像转换为文本, 纠正错别字, 重新应用格式样式并重新排序在转换中混乱的元素, 解释图像和数字, and sometimes recreating tables. If books don’t arrive in the bookstore until a couple weeks before class begins, 这样就很难一次及时处理150-200本的瓶颈. 学术参议院政策#S08-249认识到这一需求,并详细说明了及时采用教科书的理由.


There is an extensive range of hardware products under the ICT classification; not all hardware requires an ICT form before purchase. A quick and easy rule to apply is "does the hardware have an interface?". If the hardware has an interface component to control or interact with the device, chances are an ICT form is required. If you still need clarification on a specific hardware purchase, reach out to our accessible procurement specialist.

The review process depends on the impact of your purchase. 我们根据谁可以使用产品及其预期用途对影响进行分类. High impact purchases take longer than medium, and low impact purchases are generally approved quickly. There is no set timeline for approvals. 除了撞击, 审批时间受供应商响应能力以及所需可访问性和安全性文档的可用性和质量的影响.

是的. 在更新您的产品或服务之前,始终需要ICT采购批准请求. 每次续费时, 我们检查更新的文档,并确定供应商的承诺是否得到满足. 也, 因为所有的软件都是动态的,定期更新功能和界面(无论是否可识别), an annual review addresses those changes as they arise.

我们不久将在ICT采购批准请求流程中增加这一功能,请求方可以在此续订期间召回去年的提交,并对其进行审查和重新提交. 审查和重新提交的能力将节省时间并消除重复工作.


The vendor is responsible for the completion of all required documentation. 可访问性 documentation includes:

  • VPAT/ACR:自愿产品易访问性模板/易访问性一致性报告
  • 可访问性 Roadmap when requested

如果你的产品访问, 传输, or stores sensitive data the following security documents may also be required:

  • HECVAT: Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Tool

作为ICT产品请求方, 您不应该试图代表供应商完成所需的文档.

当使用中的中等或高影响ICT产品具有重大的可访问性障碍时, 请求者必须与EEAAP委员会合作,为受影响的群体提供另一种访问或互动的方法.  一旦创建了EEAAP,每年也要与产品更新一起进行审查.

我们有一个专门的页面 厂商VPAT支持. If the vendor requires additional assistance, they may email our Accessible 采购 Specialist.

Our new and improved process will gradually capture ICT that is already in use. Although our process is new, the requirements are not. ICT采购批准申请对于确保CalStateLA积极解决我们的ICT产品和服务的可及性和安全性至关重要.

The review process depends heavily on contact with a vendor representative. Without vendor contact, we are unable to complete not only the review process but the procurement process as well.   提供特定人员的联系方式总是比提供一般信息更可取, and it will help expedite our process.

Once the review is complete you, 和您指定的其他人将收到来自ServiceNow票务系统的自动电子邮件通知. 这封电子邮件证明你的产品已经完成了这段时间的审查过程,应该与你的申请文件一起包含.